How to shape eyebrows, here are 3 basic points!

How is eyebrow shaping done? How to shape eyebrows when buying? Are you one of those who say, “I can’t trust anyone, I want to pluck my eyebrows myself”? Do not miss the tricks that you need to pay attention to when buying your eyebrows. Eyebrow shaping is a situation that requires a lot of effort. You may unintentionally cause an unpopular appearance. As, we have prepared for you the tricks you should pay attention to when shaping your eyebrows. Here are the 3 basic points of eyebrow shaping!

The choice of tweezers is very important!

You should get rid of cheap tweezers immediately. Cheap tweezers not only hurt your eyebrows, but you will also have to pluck your eyebrows. Therefore, when buying your eyebrows, your preference should be quality tweezers.

Get started by cutting!

Begin by cutting the unruly wires that are scattering left and right and have started to come out in unrelated directions. The point you need to pay attention to before cutting your eyebrows is to comb the growth side with the eyebrow comb and then cut it. It’s good to be careful. If you miss too much, there may be undesirable results.

Paint before brows

You can move more easily if you paint the area you want to stay with an eyeliner before you start to take your eyebrows. You can reach the desired shape by cutting the eyebrows other than the area you have painted and taking them with tweezers.