Pay attention to these when having removable dentures!

Removable dentures, which are used in the treatment of tooth deficiencies and can be easily put on and removed at any time, provide healthy chewing function to the teeth, which are accepted as the beginning of the digestive system. However, getting used to new prostheses may take time for some individuals, and this process may cause some habits to be changed.

Prosthesis Specialist Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç touched upon the value of showing patience and being in harmony with the doctor.

Appliances used in the treatment of tooth deficiencies, which can be easily attached and removed at any time and replace missing teeth, are called removable dentures. With the help of specially produced prostheses, the teeth, which are considered the beginning of the digestive system, are given a healthy chewing function. However, getting used to new prostheses may take time for some individuals and may cause some habits to be changed in this process.

Saying that it takes time and patience to learn the use of new prostheses, Prosthesis Specialist Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç said, “Even if you have used dentures before, it will definitely take some time to get used to your new dentures. During this period, some abrasions and corrections may be required in order for your prosthesis to be perfectly compatible with your mouth structure and to use it with full comfort. If you are patient and in harmony with your doctor, you will see that you can use your prosthesis easily in a short time.


Stating that patients using full dentures should be inspected at certain intervals, as individuals with natural teeth, Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç gave the following information: “Depending on various factors, the tissues under the prosthesis may change. This situation is also related to the general health of the patient. Over time, the prosthesis loses its harmony with the tissues and may cause damage to the tissues until the patient realizes this situation. Various lesions may occur in the mouth, related or unrelated to the prosthesis. Therefore, patients using full dentures should be carefully examined by a doctor at least once a year.

In addition, no matter how much care is shown when making prostheses, Dr. Stating that there may be dents during use. Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç continued her explanations as follows: “The places that hit should definitely be corrected by your doctor. Filing of prostheses by the patient is wrong and can cause much bigger problems. Before coming to the doctor to remove the affected areas, the prosthesis should be used for at least 4 hours and you should have eaten a meal. This period allows the puncture sites to be seen. As the tissues in the mouth get used to the prosthesis, the problems will decrease over time.

Eating comfortably with prosthetics can take several weeks

Emphasizing that new prostheses may feel foreign and large in the mouth at first, Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç said, “Because there is a lot of mobility in the lower jaw, getting used to the lower prosthesis can be more difficult than getting used to the upper prosthesis. The lower prosthesis will move more and dislodge. In the first days, as a result of the stimulation of the glands, the amount of saliva usually increases, but this situation passes over time. It may take several weeks to be able to eat more comfortably with full dentures. The patient should initially chew soft food cut into small pieces. He should chew slowly with the right or left side, whichever side is more comfortable, without opening his lips and taking small bites. With full dentures, the front teeth should not be bitten, especially in the first weeks. This causes the posterior parts of the prosthesis to move away from the tissues.


Stating that it is necessary to clean the food residues on the prosthesis after each meal, for oral health and a longer life of the prosthesis, Prosthesis Specialist Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç said, “The cleaning process should be done with a soft brush, liquid soap or soap. In addition to daily cleansing, cleaning tablets can be used once a week. In order to prevent your prosthesis from falling or breaking, the cleaning process should be done by holding it close to the sink or over a bowl of water. While brushing all parts of the prosthesis with light force, the prostheses should never be placed in hot water.


Stating that it takes time to talk comfortably with prostheses, Dt. Kübra Yıldız Domaniç made the following suggestions: “Individuals wearing prostheses should practice reading aloud and in front of a mirror. In addition, the words that cannot be told the truth should be tried to be normalized by repeating them.”


Stating that the facial appearance of people who wear the prosthesis can be different to them, Dt. Domaniç said, “As all the muscles harmonize with the prosthesis, the appearance will return to normal. The collapse that will occur in the cheek and lip tissues before the prosthesis is made will be corrected with the prosthesis, and thus a younger appearance will be obtained.