Beware of skin cancer!

Skin cancer can occur as a result of the uncontrolled growth of cells that make up the skin, which is one of the largest organs and has many different functions. UV rays and solarium devices are the leading causes of skin cancer. The incidence of skin cancer has increased in recent years due to the gradual thinning of the ozone layer and the increased exposure of the skin to UV rays. Skin cancers occur in older ages, in areas exposed to sunlight, or in individuals with a weakened immune system.

What are the symptoms of skin cancer?

Skin cancer primarily develops in sun-exposed areas, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms, and hands, and in women, most often on the legs. Skin cancer can affect anyone, including people with dark skin. Apart from these symptoms, a colorless, painful lump may begin to form on the skin. Although the symptoms of skin cancer can vary according to the types, the most basic symptoms are:

– The formation of non-beautifying or always recurring wounds on the skin,

– Changes in the state, size and color of moles (nevus) on the body, irregularities occurring on the edges of moles, which are generally round,

– The formation of new moles and the increase in their number, unlike previously formed moles,

– Itching and pain around the moles.

What are the types of Skin Cancer?

The skin has a texture consisting of several layers. Skin cancer is also divided into three different types depending on the cancerous cells in these tissues. While some skin cancers are easier to treat, others can be life-threatening.

Basal Cell Cancer: It is a type of cancer that can be seen in the basal cells of the epidermis, which is located in the uppermost layer of the skin. This type is the most common type of cancer. It is seen on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. It is generally seen in men over 50 years of age with fair skin. This type of cancer; It shows signs such as bright swelling, open sores and red spots. These conditions cause itching, crusting and bleeding of the wounds.

Squamous Cell Cancer: It is a type of cancer that develops in squamous cells found in the outer and middle layers of the skin. It can be seen on the neck, scalp and hands in case of frequent exposure to machines such as solarium or to the sun’s rays. The risk of developing this type of cancer is high in people with a previous history of skin cancer, weak immunity, fair skin, and people over the age of 50. In addition, this ailment can be seen after some diseases. Symptoms of squamous cell cancer can be seen on parts of the body that are not in contact with the sun, such as the genital area. Since this condition can spread to the lymph nodes and internal organs, early treatment is of great value.

Melanoma: Although this type of cancer is the least risky among skin cancer types, it is the most dangerous among skin cancers. Melanists are the cells that give the skin its color. The malignant proliferation of these cells causes cancer. Melanoma, which spreads to other organs if not diagnosed early, does not occur due to exposure to sunlight alone. As a result of genetic structure, this cancer is caught. It can often be seen in the form of black or brown spots on the body. However, it can also be seen as pinkish or blue spots. Melanoma can occur in any part of the body.

Where is skin cancer most common?

– scalp

– Ears

– Lips

– Neck

– Under the nails

– the bottoms of the feet

– reproductive organs

Skin cancer treatment

The most basic treatment procedure for skin cancer treatment is surgery. However, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy applications, which can be applied alone or in a middle, can also be preferred. The treatment formula is determined according to the cancer stage, the characteristics of the tumorous lesion and the risk factors of the patient.