Experts explain how breast augmentation surgery is done!

How is breast augmentation surgery done? Why is it done? Curious things Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon Assoc. Dr. We learned from Karaca Başaran.

The value given to the pleasure of the breast dates back to centuries ago. The breasts, which are the symbol of femininity, may deform depending on many factors or may not complete their development due to genetic or hormonal reasons. Due to this lack of development, the breasts remain small. Accordingly, problems may occur in the self-confidence of women. However, it is possible to create fuller, more aesthetically pleasing breasts with breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation is one of the most performed operations in our country and in the world. Advances in breast implant technology and surgical techniques have made breast augmentation a very reliable and effective procedure, allowing patients to get beautiful and natural-looking results. Many factors to consider when considering breast augmentation surgery and there are options. We can list them as follows;

Implant Size

Implant sizes are measured in “cubic centimeters” (cc) and range from 120cc to 960cc

Implant Profile

The implant profile indicates the interval at which the implant projects from the body—high-profile implants silhouette more prominently than low-profile implants.

Implant shapes are round, can be drip.

Incision Pattern
Inframammary (under the breast)
Periareolar (around the lower half of the areola)
Transaxillary (underarm)
Transumbilical or TUBA (around the navel)

Implant Placement

Submuscular placement: under the pectoral muscle
Submammary or Subglandular placement: between the pectoral muscle and the breast tissue
dual plan
under the muscle membrane

Implant Type

Saline: the implant is placed in the body while it is empty, after it is placed it is filled with sterile saline solution.

Silicone: the implant is filled with silicone gel (viscous liquid that mimics the structure and feel of human breast tissue) before being placed in the body.

Breast augmentation is one of the most common aesthetic procedures performed today and is done for a number of reasons, some (but not all) of them are listed below:

Enlargement of breast size,
Correction of asymmetrical breasts,
Increasing breast volume lost after pregnancy and breastfeeding,
Increasing breast size after significant weight loss
Correction of imbalance in body proportions,
It is done with breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy or chest injury, with breast revision surgery after complications from previous chest surgery, and to add volume and fullness during breast lift while correcting sagging in the chest.