How to choose a hair color according to skin tone, fair-skinned people should prefer lighter shades!

When women want a difference in their hair, they first go to change their color. When changing your hair color, you must first determine a color suitable for your skin. According to experts in hair, whatever your skin tone is, you should choose one that is at most two shades lighter or darker than your current color…

Light skinned people should prefer lighter shades.

Light colors unfortunately do not give the desired view for everyone. If you have a light skin tone, you are in luck in this bet. Even very light colors such as platinum blonde will make you look great. Light skin can be enhanced with a lighter hair color. We definitely recommend trying these shades.

There are many alternatives to brown skinned ones.

If you have auburn complexion, you have a lot more options than others. You can choose dark blonde or light brown tones, or a coppery hair color can bring out your skin. In addition, different shapes such as balayage and ombre can be a good idea for you.

Dark colors for brunettes

Already darker than your skin color and don’t you like that a darker hair makes you look important? Then you should try one of the brown color palettes. In addition, auburn, chestnut or cinnamon color can take your look to the next level. For a more impressive look, you can throw a shade or two light shadows in the middle of your hair.

Darker skinned people should choose dark brown

If your skin is denser, you should create contrast in the middle of your hair and skin tone, according to experts. Very light colors also do not harmonize with your skin. That’s why the best way to highlight your skin is to choose warm tones such as chocolate brown. These colors play an effective role in making your skin shine and at the same time making your hair look great.