If you can’t lose weight, try intuitive eating!

Intuitive eating, also known as “Mindfulness eating”, is a well-known approach in recent times. They aim to establish a healthy relationship with nutritious foods and to eat when we are hungry and to stop eating when we are full. In fact, it is the eating pattern practiced by our ancestors for centuries. The eating system of many of us in childhood. However, over time, factors such as school life, working life and social environment made our relationship with food unhealthy. We have compiled the rules of intuitive eating for you.

I’m on a diet don’t be on top of it

Constantly controlling what you eat. Eating with a clock, eating by calculating the contents of the meals is a situation that involuntarily creates tension in the body and disrupts the connection between you and food. Therefore, put aside all diet approaches.

Don’t open your eyes

Hunger is a physiological process. After the food we eat is digested, absorbed and thrown away, our body sends us the signal to eat with hormone secretions for power generation. Observe yourself when you feel hungry, are you feeling hungry physiologically or emotionally?

Don’t tell me that food is forbidden

Eating healthy foods all the time, not eating calorie-dense foods in a social environment, and making a profit-loss ratio spoil your relationship with meals. The urge to eat against the forbidden food is always greater. So leave the banned food category aside.

Do not abuse food

Sugar is poison. Stop labeling as carbohydrates make you gain weight, fruits make you fat. Do not categorize foods as edible and non edible. Listen to your body, it will show you what to eat and what to eat.

feel your satiety

The feeling of fullness is also a physiological condition. Although our stomach capacity varies according to the individual, it is in a certain volume. And when the empty space is full, the satiety signal reaches our brain.

Respect your body

In order to make peace with food, you must first make peace with yourself. Getting rid of the stereotypes of overweight, thin, tall and short and loving yourself will make you make peace with many things, including food.

Don’t miss out on exercise

Exercising, being active during the day is not a necessity, it is actually a situation that is necessary to breathe. We are not creatures created to live motionless by nature. We do not hibernate like cool-blooded animals or are not tied to the ground like plants. We were created to discover, learn and produce. Being active during the day, walking, swimming is in our nature and we should live in accordance with our nature.