Is Reflux Cause of Weight Loss in Children? Natural Treatment

Reflux is the most important cause of weight loss in children. Reflux ; It is a condition in which the contents of the stomach come back up to the esophagus. This condition is generally at risk of occurring in the first trimester of newborn babies. With a probability of 40% to 60%, newborn babies have reflux in their first trimester. This risk, however, decreases after completing their sixth month.

acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a digestive condition that can affect babies and children alike. In more than one case, this problem may resolve by the time your child is three years old. However, some children may continue to struggle with it for longer, which can affect the child’s growth and damage the esophagus.

What is Reflux?

The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach. If your child has reflux, stomach contents back up into the esophagus. Another name for reflux gastroesophagealis reflux.

In the middle of the esophagus and stomach, there is a muscle (lower esophageal sphincter) that acts as a valve. When your child swallows, this muscle relaxes and allows food to pass through the esophagus into the stomach. This muscle normally remains closed, so stomach contents do not flow back into the esophagus.

Reflux Treatment in Children

reflux in children ; Whether your child is a toddler or teenager, he or she will experience moderate diarrhea, nausea, burping a lot, stomachaches or heartburn. Sometimes the tension from a big event in a child’s life – like the first day of school, exams or a sporting event – ​​triggers digestive upset. However, in children digestive disorderswhen it becomes more frequent, it’s a good time to seek advice from a medical professional.

At What Age Is Reflux Common in Children?

A small percentage of babies who experience frequent or vigorous spitting, crying, coughing, distress, or weight loss may actually have reflux or another condition. Reflux is more common in children 2-3 years and older. If your child always has these symptoms, seek medical attention.

5-10% of children aged 3-17 years experience upper abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting, and all symptoms suggestive of a GERD diagnosis. Only a physician should determine whether this is GERD or another digestive condition.

Children with reflux are more of a generalized symptom than the most common symptoms experienced by adults. reporting abdominal discomfort possibility is higher. Children are more likely to vomit or vomit and may experience ear-nose-throat disorders. Sometimes young children can’t express what’s bothering them, so they can get angry.

reflux symptoms in children

in children What are the Symptoms of Reflux?

Some of the reflux symptoms seen in children are:

  • intense cough
  • state of vomiting
  • weight loss problem
  • state of being restless
  • Seeing anemia
  • Having hoarseness

How to Prevent Reflux in Children?

in childrenSome of the things that should be done to prevent reflux are:

  • First of all, it should be diagnosed whether reflux is physiological or pathological. According to this diagnosis, a random pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist should recommend drug treatment.
  • reflux in children; It is divided into three as pharmacological treatment, non-pharmacological treatment and surgical treatment. Pharmacological treatments; antacids are motility regulators. non-pharmacological treatments; change in position and increase consistency in foods. Surgical treatment is; surgical fundoplication, endoscopicagstroplication and nutrition through gastronomy. Meals are arranged on the basis of consuming less food at frequent intervals.
  • in babies treating reflux in a drug-free form for; After feeding, the baby should be laid on his stomach or back with his head up. In addition, the baby should be fed with breast milk for as long as possible.

Apart from the above offers, you can check our article on 10 offers for mothers with reflux in their child.

How to prevent reflux in children. What is suitable for reflux?

How Is Reflux In Children? Treatment

Sometimes reflux in children can be treated with lifestyle changes:

  • Losing weight if needed
  • eating smaller meals
  • avoiding high-fat foods
  • wearing loose-fitting clothes around the abdomen
  • Standing upright for 3 hours after meals and not lying down or hunching while sitting
  • Sleeping at a slight angle. Raise the head of your child’s bed 6 to 8 inches by placing blocks in a faithful form under the bed posts.
herbal solution for reflux in babies

Natural Remedies for Reflux in Children

There are natural remedies that can control reflux symptoms in children. Here are some effective natural remedies:

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is very helpful in controlling acid reflux in children. You can take a fresh Aloe Vera leaf and peel off the gel and boil this gel with some water. Give this mixture to your child before each meal to avoid acid reflux.


Anise is an outstanding treatment option for an upset and upset stomach. Give your child a spoonful of anise to chew after each meal. Alternatively, you can soak it for three to four hours and give it to your child after straining. You can add some sugar to the water for a little taste.

Fennel Seeds

The presence of an enzyme called anethole in fennel seeds is very helpful in controlling gastrointestinal spasms and is therefore very suitable for the treatment of GERD in children.

Is yogurt good for reflux?


You can give yogurt to improve your child’s acid reflux. Yogurt has alkaline properties that are very effective in soothing the esophagus and maintaining the pH stability of the body. Yogurt is also very reliable, and unlike many antacids, yogurt does not prevent protein absorption by the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very useful in maintaining the pH stability of the body. Give your child a tablespoon mixed with half a glass of water every day apple cider vinegarYou can give.

Coconut Oil

Having coconut oil daily greatly reduces GERD symptoms. This is because coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the stomach and reduce acid reflux.

Basil Leaf

Basil leaves are also effective in treating GERD symptoms. Take a glass of water and add a few basil leaves in it. Boil it down to one-third, cool it, and then have your child drink it in the morning.


Ginger juice mixed with a little warm water works great for preventing acid reflux in children. You should give the mixture on an empty stomach.