Losing weight fast also harms your hair!

female male; located in the middle of many people’s skin problem hair loss can develop depending on many different factors. Hair loss can be experienced in both men and women due to genetic predisposition, skin problems, wrong eating habits and related vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal problems, some internal diseases and drug use, birth and chemotherapy processes, cosmetic factors and tension. In the midst of these, there are many major factors that do not attract our attention. wrong eating habitsand vitamin and mineral deficiencies on the other hand, it is in the middle of the important reasons that cause hair loss with the effect of rapid weight loss. Without the help of a dietitian, unconscious shock diets cause your hair to fall out. Estecenter Plastic Surgery Center Medical Manager Ibrahim CevikStating that nutrition habits play a vital role on hair, Pudra.com gave information for its readers.

Hair loss, which many people complain about, can develop due to many reasons such as genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, tension. With this Diets for rapid weight loss also lead to weakening and loss of hair. . Sudden weight loss of the body causes a decrease in vitamins and minerals in the body and weakens the hair follicles. These diets, which are made in the absence of a random dietitian, prevent the hair from being fed with the vitamins and minerals it needs. As a result, due to inadequate and unstable nutrition, the hair begins to fall out and thin out.

Hair loss is a sign of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Hair health is one of the biggest indicators of body health. Hair is also significantly affected by the sudden changes in the body. At this point, sudden weight loss leads to a decrease in many components in the body, such as vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for hair. hair healthThe lack of valuable components in the body is one of the biggest causes of hair loss and hair loss. It is possible to lose weight with a healthy diet

Being under the supervision of a dietitian in your weight loss process helps you lose weight in a healthy way and protect your body in terms of vitamins and minerals. However, doing the diet with your own research without the advice of a doctor poses a great danger to your body health. Since every body is different, the way of losing weight will also be different. Therefore, it is more beneficial to lose weight in a healthy form by planning with a dietitian.

Consume these foods for strong hair

  • Vegetables and fruits, which are consumed in abundance, also protect your hair health during diet.
  • Protein and vitamin-packed nutrition helps strengthen your hair and thicken hair follicles.
  • Iron, B12 and Omega 3 vitamins are vital for hair.
  • If foods such as red meat, salmon, green leafy vegetables, cheese, eggs and walnuts are consumed regularly, they help protect your hair health.