For years, the youth and glow of Pharrell Williams’ skin has been talked about online. While Williams’ smooth skin was the subject of many humorous photos, there were even theories that Williams was a vampire! Faced with repeated skincare questions in interviews, Williams finally reveals his secret.

Launching a skin care collection called Humanrace Skincare, Williams shares his “20 years of skin care experience and training” with his fans. The skin care collection, which will be released under Williams’ brand Humanrace, draws attention with its genderless feature. Offering three works described as the “Three-Minute Facial,” Williams presents the ‘Rice Powder’ Cleanser, which is made from micronized rice powder and fruit AHAs that foam up when mixed with water in step one. In the second step, Williams presents the ‘Lotus Enzyme Exfoliator’, which uses 8% glycolic acid to exfoliate and renew the skin, and in the last step, ‘Humidifying’ Cream, which mimics the moisturizing effects of moisture with mushroom extract and squalene. Pharrell Williams’ 20-year dermatologist, Dr. Co-designed with Elena Jones, the pieces are pure, vegan and fragrance-free!

The new skin care collection, which will be released on November 25, also includes Pharrell Williams’ wellness ideology. “It’s designed to last three minutes in the morning and in the evening,” Williams said in a press release.

Williams, who wanted to include everyone in the brand’s theme, designed a concept beyond consumers and the environment. “We wanted to choose ingredients that are clean, effective, and usable for any skin type,” said Dr. Jones added that the collection is entirely sustainable and the packaging of the works is still refillable. “Humanrace Skincare does not discriminate by race or gender,” Williams added.