She lost 50 kilos in four months for the clip.

Anıl Şimşek, who was in Hadise’s group in O Ses Türkiye and made a name for himself with the dances he performed as well as the music he sang, presented his first single titled “We Are Ready” to the taste of music lovers.

Lost 50 kilos in 4 months

Anıl Şimşek, who attracted great attention in a short time with his song and the clip he shot, also rolled up his sleeves for new music. The singer changed his appearance with his new work. Şimşek, who found his old version 150 kilograms, lost about 50 kilograms in four months.

Anıl Şimşek, who dropped from 150 kilograms to 100 kilograms, stated that the 50 kilograms he lost did not satisfy him and that his main goal was 80 kilograms with the second clip. Now that my image has made me very happy, he said I am ready for new music and clips.