Try These Butter Face Masks For Glowing and Supple Skin

Have you ever tried using butter to beautify your skin? If you haven’t tried it, here are some buttery face masks you should try. Butter face mask is very beneficial for your skin. It is a very suitable source of vitamin E and some minerals that are healthy for your skin. Regular application of butter face mask can provide radiant and flawless skin. In addition, individuals suffering from chronic skin dryness can easily get rid of dryness by applying a rose water and butter face mask. It acts as a great moisturizer for your skin. It’s packed with fatty acids and Vitamin A, which instantly gives your face a natural glow. Let’s take a look at the definitions for butter face masks.

How to Prepare a Banana Butter Face Mask?


  • Unsalted Butter
  • Banana

Fabrication: First, peel the banana and throw it into a bowl, then mash the banana. It should become mushy. Melt some unsalted butter in a skillet over medium heat and pour the melted butter into the bowl. Mix the banana and melted butter properly. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes. Our banana butter face mask is now ready.

Rose Water and Butter Face Mask Recipe

To prepare this mask, we need some rose water and our main ingredient, unsalted butter. Add both to a bowl, melt the butter before adding. Mix both ingredients adequately until they become a thick paste. Once you get something like a thick paste, you’re done. Your rose water oil face mask is ready to be applied to the face.