Teeth grinding problem (bruxism) treatment with Botox

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir answered the curious questions about ‘Bruxism’, which causes teeth clenching due to the tension experienced in daily life:

If you are unconsciously clenching your teeth at night and waking up with jaw pain in the morning, you may be suffering from bruxism, one of the most precious diseases of tension. Dentist Pertev Kökdemir answered the questions about the teeth clenching problem and its treatment for Pudra.com readers.

Who is teeth clenching more common in?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir: Clenching is a condition caused by tension. However, existing missing teeth in the mouth, incorrectly made porcelain bridges and false fillings can also cause clenching as they negatively affect jaw closure. Managers and employees who are under heavy stress and especially students who are in exam periods; They may grind their teeth more than other people.

Does work or school tension cause teeth clenching?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir: Yes, today, because of the stress of school life and exam, as well as the tension of business life, teeth clenching is a frequent situation. Although it is more common at night when the person is tense, it can also be seen during the day.

How does clenching damage the teeth?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir: Clenching can cause abrasions and fractures in tooth enamel and existing porcelain repairs or fillings. At the same time, depending on the decrease in the joint fluid in the jaw joint, abrasions in the joint head and socket can cause difficulties and pain in opening the mouth.

How is the treatment of teeth clenching?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir: Teeth clenching can be reduced by the botox process applied to the facial muscles. In addition, the damage to the teeth and joint can be reduced with special transparent plaques prepared according to the patient’s mouth size. In advanced joint problems, surgical interventions may be the subject of words.

Is there any treatment for the damage caused by clenching?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir:After the necessary treatment of the worn teeth is done, they are covered with porcelain veneers and both are kept under protection and the decreased face height is regained to the patient.

Does clenching occur in children too?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir:Especially in the mixed dentition period (that is, the period when children have both milk and permanent teeth in their mouths) there is no complete occlusion (that is, children cannot bring their teeth to a stable closure), and teeth grinding can be seen and this situation is mostly normal.

What will happen if a person who grinds their teeth does not receive treatment?

Dentist Pertev Kökdemir: The enamel layer disappears due to abrasions on the teeth. While this situation causes a tooth structure that is open to decay and infection, an unpopular image is formed in the aesthetic sense. Significant problems and aesthetic problems occur in the jaw joints with the decrease in the face height of the patient due to abrasions and the older appearance.